1. **准备供品**:选择一些先人喜欢的食物、饮料或其他物品,如鲜花、水果、糕点等,用于供奉。
2. **设立祭台**:在家中或特定的祭祀场所设置一块小型的祭台或供桌,放置灵位和供品。
3. **摆放灵位**:将先人的灵位放置在祭台上,可以是一张遗照或其他代表先人的物品。
4. **燃香点烛**:点燃香烛,以示尊敬和纪念,也可以为先人烧一些纸钱。
5. **诚心祭拜**:在燃香点烛之后,合十跪拜,向先人表达诚挚的敬意和思念之情,可以说些祈祷的话语或默默地思念。
6. **祭后处理**:祭拜完毕后,将供品留在祭台上一段时间,让先人享用后再收拾。香烛燃尽后,将灵位和祭台收拾整齐。
Consecrate my late father is clever a means that is a kind of respect that expresses pair of deceased family members and yearning. Generally speaking, consecrate my late father is clever move is as follows:
1.** prepares offerings ** : Choose the food that a few forefathers like, beverage or other goods, wait like flower, fruit, cake, use at consecrate.
2.** establishs ** of stage of hold a memorial ceremony for: In the home medium or specific sacred place installs stage of a diminutive hold a memorial ceremony for or altar, place clever with offerings.
3.** puts clever a ** : The spirit forefathers place go up in stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, can be a piece of involuntary discharge of urine illuminate or the article of other delegate forefathers.
4.** lights the sweet ** that burn candle: Ignite joss sticks and candles, in order to show respect and commemoration day, also can burn a few paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead for forefathers.
5.** sincere hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : After lighting sweet dot to illuminate, worship on bended knees of put the palms together, express the feeling of sincere tribute and longing to forefathers, can say some of prayer speech or silently longing.
6.Aftertreatment of ** hold a memorial ceremony for ** : Hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to after ending, leave offerings in the period of time on stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, after letting forefathers enjoy, clear away again. After joss sticks and candles is lighted,
Consecrate my late father is clever an one part that is culture of tradition of the Chinese nation, have deep affection sense to a lot of people.