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1. **准备清洁的场地**:选择一个清洁的地方进行仪式,可以在户外或室内进行,确保场地整洁、干净。

2. **选择合适的树木**:根据你的信仰或灵性指导,选择一棵被认为具有特殊意义或能量的树木作为供奉对象。这通常是一棵健康、茂盛的树。

3. **准备祭品**:根据你的信仰和文化传统,准备适当的祭品,例如鲜花、水果、糕点、香烛等。这些祭品通常象征着虔诚和敬意。

4. **清洁身心**:在进行供奉仪式之前,可以进行冥想或清洁仪式来净化身心,以便更好地与神婴树木连接。

5. **祈祷和致敬**:站在树木前,以虔诚的心态向神婴树木祈祷,表达你的敬意和感激之情。你可以用自己的语言或传统的祈祷文朗诵。

6. **奉献祭品**:将准备好的祭品摆放在树木周围或树根下,表达你的敬意和奉献。

7. **保持敬意**:进行完供奉仪式后,保持对树木的尊重和关爱,定期前来照料并与之沟通,维持与神婴树木的联系。



Tree of consecrate god baby is a kind of religion or ceremony of intelligence of animals normally, particular way is possible because of devotional, culture and area different. Generally speaking, tree of consecrate god baby may include the following measure:

1.The place with ** clean preparation ** : The place that chooses a cleanness undertakes a ceremony, can outdoors or indoor undertake, ensure place is neat, clean.

2.** chooses appropriate arboreous ** : According to your belief or guidance of intelligence of animals, the choice is thought to have special sense or the tree of energy regards consecrate as the object. This is a health, flourish tree normally.

3.** of ** preparation oblation: According to your belief and culture tradition, plan proper sacrificial offerings, for example flower, fruit, cake, joss sticks and candles. Normally symbolic move mixes these oblation piously devoir.

4.** of ** clean body and mind: Before undertaking consecrate ceremony, can undertake contemplative or clean ceremony will purify body and mind, so that join with divine baby tree better.

5.** prays and greeting ** : Stand before tree, pray to divine baby tree with devotional state of mind, express your devoir and appreciative feeling. You can use your language or traditional pray prayer is read aloud.

6.** of ** consecratory oblation: Put ready oblation be all round tree or cultivate a root to fall, convey your devoir and dedication.

7.** maintains devoir ** : After undertaking consecrate ceremony, maintain pair of arboreous esteem and care, come round to attend and be communicated to it regularly, maintain as arboreous as divine baby connection.

Those who need an attention is, the legal laws and regulations that place should respect when undertaking consecrate ceremony and culture are traditional, ensure won't cause to the environment damage.
