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1. **选择合适的佛像**:在供奉之前,首先要选择一尊合适的吕洞宾佛像。可以选择符合自己信仰和喜好的大小和材质的佛像。

2. **找到合适的位置**:选择一个清静、干净的地方,最好是家中的一处供桌或者特定的神龛。确保佛像摆放的位置高于地面,以示尊崇。

3. **摆放佛像**:将吕洞宾佛像放置在供奉的位置上,最好是面朝房间的正门或者主要的出入口,这样能够吸引正能量进入家中。

4. **献供**:可以在每天早晨或者特定的时间向吕洞宾佛像献上水果、鲜花、香烛等供品,表示尊敬和虔诚。

5. **诵经念佛**:在供奉时,可以诵读经文或者念诵佛号,表达对吕洞宾的敬仰和信仰。

6. **保持清洁**:定期清洁佛像及其周围的供桌或神龛,保持整洁和清净的环境,以示对吕洞宾的尊敬。



Figure of Buddha of guest of hole of Lv of consecrate is in the home can adopt the following measure:

1.** chooses ** of appropriate figure of Buddha: Before consecrate, should choose above all one honour appropriate Lv Dongbin figure of Buddha. Can choose to accord with the figure of Buddha with the size of him belief and be fond of and qualitative material.

2.** finds appropriate positional ** : Choose a quiet, clean place, had better be the shrine with a medium one place specific perhaps altar. The ground of positional prep above that ensures figure of Buddha is put, in order to show homage.

3.** puts ** of figure of Buddha: Lv Dongbin figure of Buddha is placed in consecrate locally, had better be the passageway with the main perhaps front door of look out room, can attract so energy enters the home in.

4.** displays for ** : Can be in everyday the time with specific perhaps morning is displayed to Lv Dongbin figure of Buddha on the offerings such as fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, state respect is mixed devotional.

5.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: When consecrate, can chant lection perhaps recites Buddha number, convey pair of Lv Dongbin revere and devotional.

6.** maintains clean ** : Fixed and clean figure of Buddha reachs the altar all round its or shrine, keep neat with kosher environment, in order to show the respect to Lv Dongbin.

Adopt above measure, you can be in the home figure of Buddha of suitably guest of consecrate Lv hole, those who win a heart is halcyon and auspicious.
