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1. **祭坛设置**:在家中选择一个安静的角落或者特定的空间,摆放一个小型的祭坛。可以使用桌子、橱柜或者特制的祭坛架等,将逝去亲人的照片、鲜花、蜡烛等摆放在上面。

2. **供品准备**:准备一些逝去亲人喜欢的食物和饮品,放在祭坛上作为供品。可以是他们生前喜爱的美食或者饮料,以示纪念和怀念。

3. **燃香祭祀**:点燃一些香,可以选择逝去亲人喜欢的香味,或者是常用的香。在香烟缭绕中,默默地祈祷或者表达内心的思念。

4. **祈祷仪式**:可以进行简单的祈祷仪式,表达对逝去亲人的思念和祝福。可以朗读诗歌、诵读经文,或者是自由发表内心的感受。

5. **献花纪念**:每逢特定的纪念日或者是逝者的生日,可以准备一束鲜花,放在祭坛上作为纪念和怀念之用。

6. **心灵对话**:在祭坛前静心,与逝去的亲人进行心灵对话,倾诉内心的感受和思念,或者是向他们述说生活中的种种。



The family member with parting consecrate is in the home can be the ceremony on a kind of heart, can pass the following means to undertake:

1.** altar installs ** : The space with a quiet specific perhaps corner chooses in the home, put altar of a diminutive. Can use the altar with table, tailor-made perhaps ambry to wear etc, the photograph of will parting family member, flower, candle place superpose.

2.** offerings prepares ** : Prepare the food that a few parting family members like and drink, put on altar to serve as offerings. Can be the cate that they love before one's death or beverage, in order to show souvenir and yearning.

3.** lights sweet sacred ** : Ignite a few sweet, can choose the sweet smell that parting family member likes, commonly used perhaps sweet. Wind around in cigarette in, pray silently or convey inner longing.

4.** prays ceremonial ** : Can undertake simple prayer ceremony, convey the longing of pair of parting family members and blessing. Can recite lection of poetry, chant, perhaps publish inner feeling freely.

5.** displays a flower to commemorate ** : Whenever specific fete perhaps dies person birthday, can prepare a bundle of flower, put on altar to serve as what commemorate and yearn for to use.

6.** of ** heart dialog: Static before altar heart, undertake with parting family member the heart speaks, pour out inner feeling and longing, perhaps live to their narrate medium a variety of.

These are a few simple and the kind that has a sense, can be in the home the family member with parting consecrate, express the yearning to them and respect.
