1. **清洁**:在供奉之前,要确保佛像及其周围环境的清洁。可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭佛像,保持其干净整洁。
2. **摆放位置**:佛像应该被放置在一个尊贵的位置,避免置于厕所或垃圾桶附近。最好选择一个安静、清净的地方,以便于专心礼拜。
3. **虔诚心态**:供奉佛像时要保持虔诚的心态,表达对佛陀的尊敬和信仰。可以通过诵经、念佛或默念祈祷来表达心意。
4. **供品**:可以供奉一些香烛、鲜花、水果、茶水或素食等供品。这些供品代表着对佛陀的敬意和感恩之情。
5. **持续供养**:最好能够定期进行供养,不仅表达信仰,也是一种修行的方式。可以选择每天或每周固定的时间进行供养。
The consecrate of figure of Buddha is a kind of religious ceremony, can undertake according to the individual's belief and tradition. Generally speaking, it is the familiar pattern of figure of Buddha of a few consecrate below:
1.** clean ** : Before consecrate, want to ensure figure of Buddha reachs the cleanness of its surroundings. Can wipe figure of Buddha gently with soft cloth, maintain its clean and neat.
2.** puts positional ** : Figure of Buddha should be placed to be in an exalted position, avoid park toilet or near ash-bin. Had better choose a quiet, kosher place, in order to facilitate absorption chapel.
3.** of ** devotional state of mind: Devotional state of mind should maintain when consecrate figure of Buddha, express the respect to Buddha and belief. Can read aloud through Song classics, pray to Buddha or silent pray will express intention.
4.** offerings ** : Can consecrate a few joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, boiled water or maigre wait for offerings. These offerings are representing the devoir to Buddha and the feeling that be thankful.
5.** makes offerings to continuously ** : Best can undertake making offerings to regularly, express belief not only, also be the means of a kind of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine. Can choose everyday or the time that secures every week undertakes making offerings to.
Anyhow, consecrate figure of Buddha should be the behavior of a kind of heart, should keep devotional with devoir, and the esteem to power of Buddha and belief.