1. 选择合适的供品:食神最喜欢各种美味的食物,特别是香甜可口的食物,比如水果、糕点、甜点等。选择新鲜、精致的食材,并摆放整齐美观。
2. 每日供奉:每天定时为食神供奉食物,保持供品的新鲜度。在供奉时,诚心祈祷并表达感恩之情。
3. 心诚意正:供奉食神的过程要心诚意正,诚信虔诚地祈求食神的庇佑和保佑。在供奉时,可以念诵虔诚的祈祷文或是默念自己的祝愿。
4. 精心布置供桌:将供品摆放在整洁清净的供桌上,并点燃香烛以示诚意。可以在供桌上摆放鲜花或其他装饰物,营造祥和的氛围。
5. 持之以恒:供奉食神需要持之以恒,不能三天打鱼两天晒网。只有长期坚持供奉,才能获得食神的祝福和庇佑。
Consecrate feeds the method with the most effective god to include the following normally:
1.Choose appropriate offerings: Feed a god to like all sorts of delicate food most, especially sweet and goluptious food, for instance fruit, cake, desert. The choice is fresh, delicate feed capable person, put orderly and beautiful.
2.Daily consecrate: Time everyday to eat divine consecrate food, those who hold offerings is fresh degree. When consecrate, sincere desire prays and express the feeling that be thankful.
3.Heart sincerity: The process that consecrate feeds a mind wants heart sincerity, sincere letter petitions piously feed a mind bless and bless. When consecrate, can recite devotional pray prayer or it is silent read aloud oneself wish.
4.Decorate altar meticulously: Put offerings go up in neat and kosher altar, ignite joss sticks and candles in order to show good faith. Flower or other ornamental can be put on altar, build auspicious atmosphere.
5.Perserve: Consecrate feeds a god to need to perserve, cannot 3 days fish two days to bask in a net. Hold to consecrate for a long time only, ability is obtained the blessing that feeds a mind and bless.
Adopt above method, the effect that sincere consecrate feeds a mind will be more distinct, can get feeding be blessed magically and shelter.