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受极端天气影响 日本樱花罕见秋季绽放(英语双语阅读)


受极端天气影响 日本樱花罕见秋季绽放(英语双语阅读)

The start of the cherry blossom season in Japan normally takes place in March/April. 日本的樱花盛开季通常从3或4月份开始。 This year, however, something truly bizarre has taken place: the cherry blossoms have made an appearance in October. 但今年却出现了异乎寻常的景象:樱花在10月竞相开放。 According to WNI, a Japanese meteorology website, there have been 354 reported cases of cherry blossoms across the nation so far, from the more sub-tropical shores of Kyushu to the chillier realms of Hokkaido. 日本气象网站WNI称,从偏向亚热带气候的九州海岸到更为寒冷的北海道地区,迄今日本全国有354地报告有樱花盛开的情况。 According to WNI, as spotted by NHK World meteorologist Sayaka Mori, it appears that typhoons are to blame. WNI称,在日本放送协会国际台气象专家森早矢香看来,台风似乎是秋季樱花开放的“罪魁祸首”。

In the summer, when the bulk of plant growth protein, known as FT, release is happening, the leaves also release hormones into the buds that stop them accidentally flowering too soon. 夏季,促进植物生长的蛋白FT大量释放,叶片也同时向花蕾释放阻止其意外过早绽放的激素。 The typhoons that have recently slammed into Japan, however, have thrown powerful winds their way, stripping many of these leaves from the trees. 不过最近袭击日本的台风携着狂风一路横扫,使树上许多叶片脱落。 Salt, dragged up from the ocean, has also damaged many remaining leaves. This, it is thought, is why there's been a highly unusual October bloom. 此外,从海水中带来的盐损伤了许多残存的叶子。这被认为是出现非常罕见的10月开花的原因。 Without the leaves releasing the suppressant hormones, the middling temperatures in autumn are similar to those of spring's, which has tricked the cherry trees into erupting into color. 没了释放抑制开花激素的叶子,秋季不温不火的气温与春季类似,樱花树“被骗”突然开花。

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