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  • 报名费: 每个专业报名费用为XX元。
  • 学习辅导费用: 每门课程的学习辅导费用为XX元。
  • 考试费用: 每门课程的考试费用为XX元。




  1. 网上注册: 学生需要在规定的时间内通过学校指定的网站进行在线注册,填写个人信息并上传相关证件照片。
  2. 缴费证明: 学生在确认无误后,需要按照规定的时间和方式缴纳相应的报名费用,并留存缴费凭证。
  3. 选课报名: 缴费成功后,学生需要根据个人学习计划,在规定时间内选择报考的课程,并打印报名表。
  4. 准考证打印: 学生在规定时间内登录自考管理系统,打印准考证,并按要求参加考试。




University of politics and law of Henan finance and economics checks rate oneself

Be being taken an examination of oneself is to show full-time is advanced education of record of formal schooling teachs oneself an exam, it is one kind passes self-study, coach, the way that the exam realizes advanced record of formal schooling to teach.

University of politics and law of Henan finance and economics serves as a famous college, its take an examination of rate to include charge signing up already oneself, include study to coach again charge and exam charge. Specific collect fees as follows:

  • Cost signing up: Every professional charge signing up is XX yuan.
  • Study coachs charge: The study of every course coachs charge is XX yuan.
  • Exam charge: The exam charge of every course is XX yuan.

In addition, the student still needs extra pay possibly when sign up a few incidental expenses, wait like data cost, specific cost basis learns to school regulations is decided and be decided.

University of politics and law of Henan finance and economics studies flow signing up oneself

See rate except know clearly, enter oneself for an examination the student that takes an examination of oneself still needs to master flow signing up. Generally speaking,

  1. Register on the net: The website that student need appoints through the school inside formulary time undertakes online register, fill in individual information uploads relevant certificate photograph.
  2. Capture expends a proof: The student is in affirm without by accident hind, need the fee signing up with the time according to the regulation and means corresponding pay, and keep capture expends a proof.
  3. Choose a class to sign up: After capture expends a success, the student needs to plan according to individual study, the course that enter oneself for an examination chooses inside formulary time, print an application form.
  4. Standard textual criticism prints: The student logins to study administrative system oneself inside formulary time, print standard textual criticism, press requirement to take an examination.

As a whole, understand Cheng of distinguished personages of the rate that checks oneself and newspaper, conduce to a student reasonable arrangement time and economic budget, attend to be taken an examination of oneself better, successful finish school.

Thank you to read the article, the hope understands university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics to take an examination of rate and Cheng of newspaper distinguished personages to be helped somewhat oneself to you.

