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维护法律:加强法律的制定和执行, 对可能引发宠物侵犯的行为进行规范和约束, 对侵害者给予相应的法律制裁。



  • 培养宠物的良好行为:通过训练和社交化,教导宠物遵守基本行为规范和社会礼仪。
  • 提高宠物主人的责任感:宠物主人应该充分了解和尊重宠物的行为特点,避免对宠物进行虐待或忽视。
  • 加强宠物管理:相关部门应加强对宠物饲养和教养的管理,确保宠物的登记、养护和维护工作。





Pet encroachs the setting of incident

Recently, a few pet encroached incident to cause wide attention of the society. These incident damaged the victim's rights and interests not only, also safeguard to pet protection and law posed new challenge.

What is pet is encroached

Pet is encroached is the behavior that shows pet caused harm or menace to the mankind or other pet, include but not be confined to is bitten, attack and harrass. This kind of behavior may result from the fear of pet, angst, aggressiveness or other action problem.

Pet encroachs the influence of incident

Pet encroachs incident to bring the scar of the body and mentally to the victim not only, bring about the discussion of legal responsibility and social morality possibly still. Additional, the frequency hair of incident also gave pet protection and management to bring a challenge, increased social insecurity.

Protect animal and the value that uphold law

Protect an animal: Pet encroachs the happening of incident to should not make the excuse that has punishment and desert to pet, and should cause the social attention to animal rights and interests and protection.

Uphold law: Make and carry out what strengthen law, the act that violates to may causing pet has standard and tie, give relevant law sanction to trespasser.

How to prevent pet to encroach incident

Encroach the happening of incident to prevent pet:

  • Foster the good deed of pet: Change through training and socialization, teach pet to abide by main action standard and society formal.
  • Increase the sense of responsibility of pet host: Pet host should understand adequately and respect the behavior characteristic of pet, avoid to undertake mistreat or be ignoringed to pet.
  • Strengthen pet management: Relevant section should strengthen pair of pet to raise with cultural management, ensure of pet register, conserve and defend the work.

Those who adopt above measure is integrated carry out, can prevent effectively and reduce pet to encroach the happening of incident, ensure the rights and interests of public safety and pet.

When be faced with pet to encroach incident, protective animal and upholding law is crucial. The management through strengthening pet and education society are only right the care of pet, we just can create a harmony, safe person to bestow favor on coexist environment jointly.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can increase the public to protect the attention with social law to pet through the article, pet decreases to encroach the happening of incident on certain level.

