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  1. 热干面:热干面是武汉的特色传统小吃,汤面爽滑,麻辣鲜香,绝对是武汉的一张名片。
  2. 鸭血粉丝汤:香气扑鼻的鸭血粉丝汤,汤汁鲜甜,鸭血鲜嫩,是武汉市民早餐的不二选择。
  3. 豆皮:武汉豆皮薄如纸,软糯香滑,搭配黄豆酱和芝麻酱,美味无比。
  4. 烤鱼:武汉烤鱼以其麻辣爽口、香气四溢而著称,是武汉人宵夜的首选。
  5. 烤板鸭:武汉烤板鸭皮脆肉嫩,肥而不腻,回味无穷。
  6. 麻辣小龙虾:火辣鲜香的小龙虾,是武汉年轻人聚餐时的必点菜品。
  7. 武昌鱼:武昌鱼是武汉的地方特色菜,鲜嫩肥美,鲜香诱人。
  8. 莲藕排骨汤:清甜可口的莲藕排骨汤,是武汉人冬季滋补的首选。
  9. 鹹鱔炒蛋:武汉特色美食,口感鲜嫩,独特的鱼腥味配上蛋的香滑。
  10. 热干肉:热干肉又叫热干面肉丝,以酱香味浓、口感爽滑而著称。




Wuhan eats cate Top10 surely

Visit provincial capital as Hubei, wuhan is center of the economy of Chinese mid area, culture, also be the hub of principal liaison man that Hubei saves. Wuhan is famed with its individual situation and long historical culture at the world. In the meantime, wuhan also is cate, the local distinguishing feature that having rich diversity is fastfood.

It is the Top10 pop chart that Wuhan eats cate surely below, let you eat Wuhan tunnel delicate:

  1. Heat works a side: The characteristic tradition that hot dry side is Wuhan is fastfood, bright of noodles in soup slips, hemp hot delicacy is sweet, it is a piece of calling card of Wuhan absolutely.
  2. Soup of duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch: The soup of duck blood vermicelli made from bean starch with tangy aroma, shang Zhixian is sweet, duck blood is fresh and tender, be Wuhan citizen breakfast not 2 choices.
  3. Fabaceous skin: Wuhan beans skin is thin be like paper, soft glutinous is sweet slip, sauce of tie-in soya bean and sesame paste, delicate and clinking.
  4. Grilled fish: Wuhan grilled fish with its hemp is hot tastily, aroma 4 excessive and celebrated, it is the first selection that Wuhan person eats late at night.
  5. The salted duck that bake: Fragile flesh of skin of the Wuhan salted duck that bake is tender, fat and not be bored with, the aftertaste is boundless.
  6. Hemp hot crayfish: The crayfish with hot sweet delicacy, it is Wuhan youth when dining together order dishes surely article.
  7. Blunt-snout bream: Blunt-snout bream is the local characteristic dish of Wuhan, fresh and tender fat, delicacy is sweet inviting.
  8. Soup of chop of lotus lotus root: Qing Dynasty is sweet soup of goluptious chop of lotus lotus root, it is the first selection with Wuhan person nourishing winter.
  9. Zuo Zuo fries an egg: Wuhan characteristic cate, mouthfeel is fresh and tender, distinctive fishlike smell deserves to go up of the egg sweet slippery.
  10. Heat up biltong: Hot biltong calls hot dry side shredded meat again, with sauce fragrance bright of thick, mouthfeel slips and celebrated.

Above cate is the delegate of Wuhan cate culture not only, also be Wuhan person the one part in daily life. These tunnels can be tasted when hoping you come to Wuhan delicate!

Acknowledgment reads this article, believe to carry this article, what full happiness and taste bud harvest in the brigade of the cate that you can be in Wuhan is cheerful.

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