Culture of Chinese and Western is promoted can be one devotes oneself to to promote communication of culture of Chinese and Western and shirt-sleeve blame to seek profits sexual orgnaization. Regard Chinese and Western as the bridge of culture communication, culture of Chinese and Western promotes the mutual understanding between culture of the west in can devoting oneself to to drive and cooperation, culture of the west in be communicates the platform that provides rich and colorful.
Culture of Chinese and Western is promoted can devote oneself to to build a platform, culture of the west in letting can learn each other, communication, shirt-sleeve, drive the development of culture of Chinese and Western and inheritance. Through abounding diversiform activity and project, culture of Chinese and Western is promoted can aim promotional the understand one another between two kinds of culture, of stimulative culture multivariate develop.
Stimulative meeting develops culture of Chinese and Western varied mobile project, include:
Culture of Chinese and Western promotes of the meeting hold water and the activity has important sense to promoting communication of culture of Chinese and Western and confluence:
The job of stimulative meeting produced culture of Chinese and Western to be affected actively inside home limits not only, also was the culture communication of world each country and confluence to make important contribution.
Thank you to read the article, the hope promotes the mission of the meeting and activity through understanding culture of Chinese and Western, you can have more thorough knowledge to communication of culture of Chinese and Western.