He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel.───他两条腿都受伤了,受到了弹片重创。
Nuha was hit by a piece of shrapnel in her left thigh, but survived.───努哈的左大腿被炮弹的碎片击中, 但她还是活了下来.
A doctor probed deep in his shoulder wound for shrapnel.───一位医生伸进他肩膀伤口的深处寻找弹片。
He was badly injured by a piece of shrapnel and died three days later.───他被一片炮弹的碎片重伤,在3天后死亡.
He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade.───他被手榴弹的弹片击中了。
Helmets are mostly designed to protect against shrapnel.───头盔主要是设计用来抵御榴弹破片伤害的.
All kinds of electronic contact chip , shrapnel and shielding case Toy, Mobile and Electronic component Industrail.───各种电子接触片, 弹片,屏蔽罩.适用于玩具业, 手机和电子行业!
Shrapnel is a weapon of mass destruction.───子母弹是一种大规模杀伤性武器.