Joshua sends out spies to scout out the land.───约书亚派出密探去侦察那片土地。
The scout opposed his arm to the blow of the enemy soldier.───侦察兵用手臂挡住敌兵的打击.
Their mission is simply to scout out places where helicopters can land.───他们的任务只是找到能够让直升机着陆的地方。
The scout scratched a map in the dirt with a stick.───侦察员在地上用棍子粗略地画出了一幅地图.
I hereby recommend the applicant for the Chief Scout Award.───兹推荐申请人获取总领袖奖章.
One Scout has begun to leave in the first photo.───在第一张相片中一架侦察飞碟已经开始离开.
A party was sent ahead to scout.───一个小组被派去侦察.
I just hope that talent scout fella's in a good mood.───我只是希望那些星探们现在心情不错.
He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.