Retreat Beach
退滩───Retreat Beach
Please pay attention to the weight relations among regional characteristics of the sea level changes, the lagging-behind of the beach development and beach retreat due to erosion.───应注意海平面变化的区域性、海滩发育的滞后性和海滩蚀退因素间的权重关系。
After a flat tire, and a snail's paced survey, I retreat, finding a destroyed church, maybe a half mile from the beach.───我看到一个瘪了气的轮胎,又像蜗牛般爬行地搜索了一番之后就撤退了,这时我发现一所遭到破坏的教堂,离海岸大约半英里。
Japan Inc went on a global buying binge 20 years ago, snatching up vanity assets such as the Rockefeller Centre and the Pebble Beach golf course before beating a hasty retreat.───日本公司在20年前大掀收购热潮,在攫取洛克菲勒中心和圆石滩高尔夫球场这些浮华资产后功成身退。