The manufacture of the projecting machines. 佚名.神奇的知识之书.
The cylinder stops, and current operates the sluggish press-magnet, causing its armature to be attracted, thus lifting the platen and its projecting arm. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
Instead of the two small contact wheels, however, a projecting arm carried an iron pin or stylus, so arranged that its point would normally impinge upon the periphery of the drum. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
The giant rolls consist of a pair of iron cylinders of massive size and weight, with removable wearing plates having irregular surfaces formed by projecting knobs. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
Mr. Bounderby closed the door, and stood before the fire; projecting himself after his old explosive manner into his portrait—and into futurity. 查尔斯·狄更斯.艰难时事.
It was a small, office-like room, with a huge ledger upon the table, and a telephone projecting from the wall. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔.福尔摩斯历险记.
To the faces of these rolls were bolted a series of heavy, chilled-iron plates containing a number of projecting knobs two inches high. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
They are very thick, and are often plastered and whitewashed and capped with projecting slabs of cut stone. 马克·吐温.傻子出国记.
But her side face, which a bonnet might now have allowed me to see, was hidden by the heavy, projecting edge of the hood. 威尔基·柯林斯.白衣女人.
Above the blade of a scythe were arranged a set of fingers projecting from a post in the scythe snath. 威廉·亨利·杜利特.世纪发明.
It was a giant dog, as large as a calf, tawny tinted, with hanging jowl, black muzzle, and huge projecting bones. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔.福尔摩斯历险记.
A device for projecting sound-waves to a distance without spreading and in a straight line, on the principle of smoke rings. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
Close against one side of it, under shelter of the projecting roof, I discovered a little hole in the sand--a hole artificially made, beyond a doubt. 威尔基·柯林斯.白衣女人.
They raced wildly after me until, finally, my foot struck a projecting piece of quartz, and down I went sprawling upon the moss. 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯.火星公主.
We can see the long, whale-backed ridge of Mount Hermon projecting above the eastern hills. 马克·吐温.傻子出国记.
He was an elderly man, with a thin, projecting nose, a high, bald forehead, and a huge grizzled moustache. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔.福尔摩斯归来记.
The materials are mixed together in a small closed wooden or leaden vessel, provided with an agitator, that can be worked by a handle fixed to a projecting axis at the top. 弗雷德里克·科利尔·贝克维尔.伟大的事实.
The illustration (Fig. 2) will show the projecting apparatus as used in practice. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
He afterwards introduced other improvements in the Kaleidoscope, for extending its range of objects, for varying the angles of inclination, and for projecting the figures on a screen. 弗雷德里克·科利尔·贝克维尔.伟大的事实.
The Story of the Motion-Picture Projecting Machine[69] 佚名.神奇的知识之书.
The projecting machine is the subject of this story. 佚名.神奇的知识之书.
This action was beautifully shown by Professor Faraday at the Royal Institution last year, by projecting the image of the charcoal points on to a screen, by means of the Electric Light itself. 弗雷德里克·科利尔·贝克维尔.伟大的事实.
The boring bit is a steel thimble about four inches in length, having two rows of Brazilian black diamonds firmly embedded therein, the edges projecting slightly. 佚名.神奇的知识之书.
Edison’s Kinetoscope is covered by patent No. 493,426, March 14, 1893, and his instrument known as the Vitascope, is one of those used for projecting the views upon a screen. Edward W. Byrn.十九世纪发明进展.
On the other side of the bushes a shoe was projecting. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔.福尔摩斯归来记.
He had resumed his seat, the cigar still projecting at an insolent angle from the corner of his mouth. 阿瑟·柯南·道尔.福尔摩斯归来记.
This device of the Gauls had lance-shaped knives, or teeth with sharpened sides, projecting from a bar, like guard teeth, but set close together to form a sort of comb. 佚名.神奇的知识之书.
The reproducing machine, or, as it is called in practice, the Projecting Kinetoscope, is quite similar so far as its general operations in handling the film are concerned. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔.爱迪生的生平和发明.
Cheap shoes could only be made by roughly fastening the soles to the uppers by wooden pegs, whose row of projecting points within has made many a man and boy do unnecessary penance. Edward W. Byrn.十九世纪发明进展.
Fill the bowl of the pipe with small pieces of coal, cover it over with a lump of clay, and then put it into a hot fire, with the stalk of the pipe projecting through the bars. 弗雷德里克·科利尔·贝克维尔.伟大的事实.