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英式发音:[kəm'pʌlʃ(ə)n] or [kəm'pʌlʃən] 美式发音

    (noun.) using force to cause something to occur; 'though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game'; 'they didn't have to use coercion'.

    (noun.) an urge to do or say something that might be better left undone or unsaid; 'he felt a compulsion to babble on about the accident'.

    (noun.) an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will; 'her compulsion to wash her hands repeatedly'.




  • Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. 柏拉图. 理想国.
  • Upon this compulsion, Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new and amended version of the affair, to the following effect. 威尔基·柯林斯. 月亮宝石.
  • So, Pilar said and her voice was warm and friendly and there was no compulsion in it. 欧内斯特·海明威. 丧钟为谁而鸣.
  • For if he will not yield to opinion, there follows the gentle compulsion of exile or death. 柏拉图. 理想国.
  • Her grave sweet eyes met his; there was no compulsion, only deep interest in them. 伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔. 南方与北方.
  • When you come to fix your memory with a date in this way, it is wonderful what your memory will pick up for you upon that compulsion. 威尔基·柯林斯. 月亮宝石.
  • Yorkshire people are as yielding to persuasion as they are stubborn against compulsion. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • Except on military compulsion, I am not a man of business. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 荒凉山庄.
  • He drew it under the sleeve of his mulberry-coloured great-coat, and I walked on, almost upon compulsion, arm-in-arm with him. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 大卫·科波菲尔.
  • Reverence for the hallowed Past and its traditions keeps the dismal fashion in force now that the compulsion exists no longer. 马克·吐温. 傻子出国记.
  • He wanted so much to be free, not under the compulsion of any need for unification, or tortured by unsatisfied desire. 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯. 恋爱中的女人.
  • Why have I told, as if upon compulsion, what I knew all along I ought to have withheld? 查尔斯·狄更斯. 我们共同的朋友.
  • Compulsion is flint and a blow to the metal of some souls. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • Like Balaam and other unwilling prophets, the agents seem moved by an inner compulsion to say and do their allotted parts whether they will or no. 托马斯·哈代. 还乡.
